Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mommy-hood bliss

My Small Man is 7 months and 1 week old and I have been a Mommy for 7 whole months! When he was 7 days old I got to take him into my arms and care for him. That was the day my heart dared to believe that this could be true.

So here I am 7 months later still counting each moment I have with him. Marvelling over his little feet and fat little fingers. I have to pinch myself sometimes!

Now that we are settling into living in this answered prayer I find myself beginning to figure out what kind of Mommy I will be. I want to be what My Small Man needs me to be and I am learning that.

But some things I know. I am a Mommy like her, and her, but not really like her (even though there are aspects of her that inspire me). I admire all sorts of Mommies but who I am as a Mommy is unique and fits around my personality and what God calls me to do. I am a Work-at-Home-Mommy and I love that. It requires incredible organisation and planning and keeping My Small Man at the top of the list.

So even though yesterday morning was blocked out for work, My Small Man was feeling unwell. Work flew out the window and long periods of cuddles and loving were called for. Plus the new experience of talking a baby's temperature under their arm. I knew I should have held out for that (expensive) thermometer that you place against their forehead! The drama!

So what I know so far is that flexibility, planning and organisation are called for, in my life anyway. I love every moment of this. This dream. I am so blessed.

Thank you Jesus!

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